
What is Kernel?

Kernel is a Scheme-like programming language by John N. Shutt in which all objects are first-class.

What is klisp?

klisp is an implementation of the Kernel Programming Language


            ($define! $and?
                ($vau x e
                    ($cond ((null? x)         #t)
                        ((null? (cdr x))   (eval (car x) e))
                        ((eval (car x) e)  (apply (wrap $and?) (cdr x) e))
                        (#t                #f))))

This is not the classical Hello World example, here we are defining the and operator. Try that in your programming language 😉

Get Started

hg clone https://bitbucket.org/AndresNavarro/klisp 
cd klisp/src
make posix

klisp 0.3  Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Andres Navarro, Oto Havle
klisp> (+ 41 1)

Read the Documentation

klisp documentation is available in html format here: klisp documentation.

Read the Code

klisp source code is available under the MIT License. You can get it through bitbucket here: klisp Mercurial repository.


Participate in the klisp discussion group: klisp Google Group.


Create issues on the issue tracker, send patches, help documenting or spreading the word!


Our posts

Shedding Light on Prominent Members of the Klisp Community Through In-Depth Interviews and Profiles

Klisp has carved a unique niche with its versatility and elegance. Behind this rising language stands a vibrant and tightly-knit community of dedicated developers, contributors, and advocates. Meet the Influential Developers of the Klisp Community Mellisa Carsons: The Visionary Architect Mellisa Carsons, a seasoned software developer with over two decades of experience, is considered one […]

The Intersection of Lisp Programming and Mental Health

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The Role of Lisp Programming in Promoting Green Computing and Sustainability Through Efficient Software Design

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Exploring Sound Synthesis, Composition, and Audio Manipulation

  If you’re curious about how to blend the realms of functional programming and sound design, you’re in for a treat. This article will guide you through the complexities and wonders of using Klisp to create electronic music.  Why Klisp for Music Production? Klisp isn’t just a programming language—it’s a framework for creating, manipulating, and […]

How Klisp and Lisp Serve as Bridges Between Traditional and Quantum Computing Paradigms

As technology relentlessly advances, groundbreaking innovations like quantum computing are revolutionizing the computational landscape. You’ll often hear geeks in the industry throwing around terms like “paradigm shift” as they discuss how this new form of computation could drastically change everything we know about computing. But here’s the deal: gliding smoothly between classical (or traditional) and […]

The Emergence and Evolution of the Symbolic Programming Paradigm

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Bio-Inspired Computing with Klisp

Introduction to Bio-Inspired Computing Bio-inspired computing is a fascinating field where biology and technology intertwine. This approach to solving complex computational problems draws heavily on the behaviors, structures, and functions of biological entities. From the way ants find the shortest route to food, to the human brain’s ability to learn and adapt, nature offers a […]

Klisp for Audio Processing

Klisp is a thread that, albeit less trodden, weaves complex patterns with remarkable ease. This is particularly true in audio processing and music synthesis, where Klisp showcases its muscular prowess in manipulating soundscapes and sculpting auditory experiences that defy conventional bounds.  Sound synthesis is the electronic or computational generation of audio signals. With Klisp, this […]

Unveiling the Power of Klisp in Linguistic Research and NLP

In computational linguistics and natural language processing (NLP), the advent of programming languages tailored for specific scientific inquiry has revolutionized how researchers approach language study. Among these, Klisp is a beacon for scholars and data scientists alike. Klisp, a dialect of the venerable Lisp, inherited its flexibility and power, making it an ideal tool for […]

Klisp REPL Guide

A REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) is an interactive programming environment that has a huge impact on modern development workflows. It provides developers with a real-time interface to write and test code, making the development process more dynamic and responsive. In the context of Klisp, a specialized variant of the Lisp programming language, the REPL serves as […]


The Kernel Programming Language was created by John N. Shutt
klisp is developed by Andres Navarro and Oto Havle